An introduction to software - Answers
Q1. Hardware is the term for any computer-related piece of equipment you can touch whereas software is the term for the instructions that control the hardware.
Q2. Software can be divided into applications and systems software.
Q3. An operating system controls and manages a computer so we can use it.
Q4. Three examples of operating systems: Windows (e.g. XP, Vista, 7, 8), Linux (e.g. Ubuntu, Edubuntu), iOS - a quick search for operating systems on the Internet will reveal many.
Q5. The names of five programming languages e.g. Python, BASIC, PASCAL, VBA, Scratch, Logicator, FORTRAN, C, C++, PHP etc etc. A quick Internet search will reveal hundreds. Note that Logicator etc are certainly programming languages. They just use a graphical way of coding but are certainly languages.
Q6. Open source software is software that you are allowed to legally download, use, copy, modify and give to your friends and it won't cost you anything. When you download the program, you usually can get easy access to the actual program code as well. Proprietary software, on the other hand, is different. You have to buy the software but what you are buying is a licence to use the software. You don't get the actual program code, you aren't allowed to change it, copy it or share it with friends. You own a licence to use the software, not the software itself.