
Traversing a string - Answers

Q1. Get the code working.
Q2. How this program works:

    • A function is defined called 'forwards', that needs one argument.
    • An index is set to zero.
    • While the index is less than the length of the string, you set a variable to be the character in the string pointed to by the value contained in index.
    • Print the variable.
    • Each time you print a character in the string, you increment the index.
    • To start the program, you have to enter in a string. This is stored in myWord.
    • You then call the function and pass whatever is in myWord to the variable anyWord in the function.
    • After the function has been called, you press any key to exit.

Q3. To modify the code to print out the length of the string entered with a message, add this line just before the WHILE loop:

  print("The length of the string you entered is",len(anyWord),"\n")

Q4. To modify the code so that the letters are all on the same line but separated by a tab, change

      print(letter)  to this:


Q5. To define an extra function to print out your string letter by letter in reverse order add this function.

def backwards(anyWord):
    index = len(anyWord)
    while index > 0:
        letter = anyWord[index-1]
        index = index-1

Call it using:


Q6. To use a FOR loop to print out the letters of the string "Telephone" one by one, each on a new line, add this code to the end of your program:

for letter in "Telephone":
    print (letter)
