Fibonacci series
Q1. Get the following code working:
1. def fib(n):
2. """ This prints a Fibonacci series up to n."""
3. a = 0
4. b = 1
5. while a < n:
6. print (a, end=" ")
7. a, b = b, a + b
8. print()
10. fib(30)
Q2. Describe what the code does (what is a Fibonacci series)?
Q3. What is line 2 doing? What is it for?
Q4. Where does initialisation occur in the program?
Q5. Explain what is happening on line 7
a, b = b, a + b
Q6. Replace line 7 with this code:
a = b
b = a + b
Does this still produce a Fibonacci series? Explain your answer.
Q7. Research the Fibonacci series. Why is important? Where does it occur?