Section 6 - Software development
The Eduqas specification says:
a) Refine the prototype using the amended design documentation ensuring that the finished system is functional and suitable for audience and purpose.
b) Produce annotated listings for the finished system to facilitate future maintenance.
Things to consider doing:
i) Put a heading, 6a The final product.
ii) You need to press ahead and make your final solution to the problem, using your designs and taking into account any of the amended designs that resulted from your prototypes.
iii) Put a heading, 6b Annotated listings.
iv) You need to print out your final solution, including all input screens, output screens and reports and all of the code. The code should be sufficiently annotated so an intelligent person familiar with the programming language can follow what you are doing. You should include any library routines you used. The whole package of your printed out solution should be organised, easy to follow, every screendump should have a clear heading stating what the screendump is showing and it should be neat.