Section 4 - Prototype
The Eduqas specification says:
a) Justify the areas of the problem to be included in the prototype system.
b) Produce a range of screens and outputs for the prototype solution.
c) Create a functioning system that carries out all chosen processes.
d) Use realistic data for output and storage.
e) Evaluate the prototype solution.
f) Make specific suggestions for improvement.
Things to consider doing:
i) Put a heading, 4a Areas to be included in the prototype.
ii) A prototype is a cut-down version of the final solution. You make a prototype for two main reasons.
The first reason is to produce a model that you can use for a discussion with stakeholders and fellow workers, to make sure everyone knows and understands what direction you are heading in and has a chance to comment. It may simply be, for example, a set of non-working PowerPoint slides that show what each screen will look like and how the menu structure will work.
The second reason you produce a prototype is to prove that what you are planning to do is actually possible. There is no point embarking on a really complicated solution if you can't write the code for some of the key parts of it or you don't have the right hardware after all.
You can therefore easily justify producing an overall map of the screens and menu system in a prototype by needing to check you have understood what you have been told by stakeholders, by telling them what they told you and seeing if they agree! You also need to check with stakeholders that you haven't missed anything out, given them a chance to make any last minute comments, observations and so on. It's always good customer relations to involve your customers at every stage of a solution. Then you need to look at the solution you are thinking of and make those parts which may be complex, or do simpler versions of any complex areas to prove the complex parts can be done, or do one small solution to a problem that is repeated many times. Any important functions should form part of the prototype. You need to prove (mainly to yourself but also other stakeholders) that you have the knowledge and skills to complete the project, and if you find out you can't do some parts, now would be a great time to simplify it. For example, if you have said you need to search through data quickly using a binary search, but can't actually write one or use one from a library, then you need to think again, perhaps using a different algorithm or simplifying the problem so you don't have to search the data.
iii) Put a heading, 4b and 4c The prototype
iv) Once you have described what you will do in your prototype(s) and justified the reasons for including the parts that you said you would include, you then need to make the your prototypes. You should provide evidence that you have made them with annotated screendumps, telling the story of your prototypes. This should include all screens and outputs from the screen.
v) Put a heading, 4d Realistic data for output and storage.
vi) This is a rather cryptic requirement but I'm sure the exam board will clarify what they want in time! However, our best guess at the moment is as follows. The easiest way to provide evidence for this is draw up a table with relevant headings. You have to use realistic data in your prototype so you need to state the data you will use and why you will use that data. For example, you need to show what data you will put into the data structures to get them to work and why that particular data was chosen, what data you will enter into the system to use it and why that particular data was chosen, what the results were when you ran key processes and so on. You can provide evidence in the form of annotated screendumps for this.
vii) Put a heading, 4e and 4f Evaluation of the prototype and suggestions for improvement.
viii) How good is your prototype? Did the overall picture of the input and output screens give a clear idea to stakeholders what you are doing? Can you give some examples of any useful comments they made as a result of talking about the prototype? Have you tweaked any of the input screens or output screens or reports as a result of their comments? Give specific examples. How did you get on writing the code for the key areas you identified? Did it all work? Were their parts you couldn't do or wouldn't work completely? What did you decide to do as a result? What changes to your solution are you proposing as a result of doing your prototype? Be specific. Give examples.