Implementing our algorithm in Python to generate data - Answers
Here is the code for the program, which can be copied straight into Python:
import random # get the random number generator
myArray = [] # create an empty list
size = int(input('How many data items? >>> ')) # ask for the size required
for i in range(size): # for i= 0 to (size-1)
myArray.append(random.randint(1,500)) # get a random number and append it
for i in range(size): # for i= 0 to (size-1)
print(myArray[i],end=' ') # print what you find at that position
In these lines:
for i in range(size): # for i= 0 to (size-1)
print(myArray[i],end=' ') # print what you find at that position
i is used to pick out the data at each element in the line print(myArray[i],end=' ') # print what you find at that position