Program-writing techniques, comments and indenting
Good program design techniques
It is very easy to write code so that it is difficult for anyone to follow or understand! It is also possible, with very little extra effort, to write code that is easy to follow and understand. It is important that code can be understood. There may be a bug in the program. It may be that a program needs to be changed - perhaps extra functions need to be added or the law has changed and something in the program needs to be changed. Whatever the reason, if it is difficult to follow how the code works then it will be difficult to modify it. There are a number of simple things that a programmer can do to ensure that a program's code is 'readable'. These can be summarised as:
- Top-down programming
- Comments
- Variable names
- Indentation
- Line spacing
Top-down programming (also known as 'stepwise refinement')
Programs should be written in modules. Whatever the language being used, it will be easier to understand a program if it has been broken down into small modules, with each of the modules performing ideally just one task and coded up as a standalone piece of code. The modules are effectively standalone units of code that can, however, interact with other modules of code. The approach of splitting up a big problem into a smaller problem is known as 'top-down programming' and this approach aids modular programming. Top-down programming and modular design aid program understanding.
Code is just that, code. By adding a commentary and explanations throughout a program, it will help someone follow what has been done and how a particular piece of 'clever' code works. Good comments need to be written to aid future maintenance of programs. It is very likely that the programmers who have to make changes in the future to a particular program will be different to the original programmers and will therefore struggle to make changes. Even if they were the same people, it would be very unlikely that they could remember how and why they wrote a particular program in a certain way.
Comments should be so good that if you took away the code and left just the comments, a skilled programmer should be able to reconstruct the code.
Variable names
Variable names should reflect the item of data they hold. If this is done, then a program can be 'read' that bit easier than if meaningless variable names are used. Consider the following programs, program 1 and program 2:
Programs are rarely written as a list of instructions. Parts of the code are 'indented' (moved in a few spaces) to emphasise that the code belongs to one of the programming constructions 'selection' or 'iteration'. Code that is indented in this way is far easier for programmers to read and follow than code written as a list of instructions. Which of these two identical programs is easiest to understand and why?
Line spacing
Programs should be spaced out. One endless block of code making up a program is harder to read than a program that has been split up into sections by the liberal use of line spaces. For example, functions and procedures should be clearly separated from each other with line spaces. Variable declarations and the main program should be separated from the functions and procedures with line spaces.
Programming code can be written to aid understanding by using a few simple techniques. These are:
- Employing top-down programming and modular design.
- Using comments throughout a program.
- Using meaningful variable names.
- Using indentation.
- Using line spaces.