Encryption - Answers
Q1. Encryption is a technique that takes data and scrambles it using a key. It won't make any sense until you decrypt the message using the same key.
Q2. Authorisation means checking to see if someone or some communication has the right to access some information or to use a particular piece of equipment, for example.
Q3. The public key is distributed to anyone that you want to communicate with securely. When they send a communication to you, they use their private key along with your public key to encrypt the message.
Q4. The private key is used by you to decrypt encrypted messages that have been sent to you.
Q5. You can get a public and private key by downloading and setting up a Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) application.
Extension task - preactical exercises. These programs or similar could be demonstrated in class.
a) Download and set-up a PGP program. Send and receive encrypted emails to and from a friend.
b) Download and set-up Keepass. Store some user account details in it. Try to open the file it creates without the password.