
Serial search - Answers

Here are the two programs that students were ask to get working. You can copy and paste them straight into Python.

Searching through a list of numbers
import random

#This code creates a list of random numbers
myList = [] # create an empty list
size = int(input('How many data items? >>> ')) # ask for the size required
for i in range(size): # for i= 0 to (size-1)
    myList.append(random.randint(1,10)) # get a random number and append it to the list

#This function prints out the list.
def printList(anyList):
    for i in range(len(anyList)): # for i= 0 to (size-1)
        print(anyList[i],end=' ')

hunted = int(input("What number do you want to search for? >>> "))

index = 0
found = False

while (index < len(myList)) and (found == False):
    if (myList[index] == hunted):
        found = True
        index = index + 1

if (found == True):
    print("Item found at position",index) # remember to count from position 0 !!
    print("Item not found.")



Searching a list of animals
myList=["adder", "zebra", "lion", "rat", "koala bear", "monkey", "shark", "ant"]

#This function prints out the list.
def printList(anyList):
    for i in range(len(anyList)): # for i= 0 to (size-1)
        print(anyList[i],end=' ')

hunted = input("What animal do you want to search for? >>> ")

index = 0
found = False

while (index < len(myList)) and (found == False):
    if (myList[index] == hunted):
        found = True
        index = index + 1

if (found == True):
    print("Item found at position",index) # remember to count from position 0 !!
    print("Item not found.")
