
Introduction to E-R diagrams

There are two approaches that database designers commonly use to come up with a design for a relational database. They are used together, even though at first you may think they are completely different approaches that produce different designs for the same system!!

E-R diagrams. The first approach is to produce an E-R diagram of the proposed system. The designer will ask themselves what obvious ‘entities’ exist in a system and how are they related. Entities are identifiable objects in a database about which you would store information. We have already seen lots of examples of entities such as Member, Dog, Breed, Undergraduate and Degree. Each of these entities requires a table to store real-life examples of that entity in (known as ‘records’). Each actual record is stored in a row in the appropriate table. Each record is made up of ‘fields’. A field is a piece of information you keep about an entity. In the Member’s table in the previous section, fields included, Initial, Surname, Title, Sex and Postcode, for example. Database designers often also refer to the ‘attributes’ of a particular record rather than ‘fields’ but they mean the same thing. Notice that fields are the columns in tables. Once the designer has come up with an E-R diagram of logically linked entities, they can then go ahead and build the database.

Normalisation. A second technique the database designer can use is known as ‘normalisation’. This has its roots in mathematical analysis and can produce a very efficient design. It involves identifying all of the possible attributes in a database and then applying a set of rules to them in turn. Each stage in the process of normalisation can result in a ‘better’ design.

E-R diagrams and normalisation together
Normalisation will produce database designs that can be shown mathematically to be the ‘best’ design. By this, we mean a design that minimises the amount of data redundancy. However, it may not necessarily produce the best design in terms of ease of understanding for humans! In practice, the designer will use both techniques together!

The first approach

    • The designer may well start a new design by producing an E-R diagram of the proposed system.
    • They might then produce a Data Dictionary that details what attributes make up each entity.
    • Finally, they might take each table in turn and ‘normalise’ it, to check that there are no data redundancy problems and that problems associated with adding and deleting records and amending data are removed. Normalisation in this case is used to validate the E-R diagram the designer has come up with.

The second approach

    • The designer may well start a new design by producing an E-R diagram of the proposed system.
    • They might then produce a Data Dictionary that details what attributes make up each entity.
    • They might then list all the attributes they have identified in the Data Dictionary and normalise them together. This will produce a set of related tables.
    • They then compare the design of the database using the E-R diagram they produced with the design produced by normalising the attributes.
    • They will decide which design they want to go with (if they are different). It may mean, for example, that they decide to go with the E-R diagram because it is an easier design to follow, or they may go for the normalised design because it is the best for eliminating data redundancy, or they may use a hybrid of both designs, based on the designer’s prior experience. Whichever design is chosen, however, it is up to the database designer to fully justify it!!

We will start looking at how relational databases are designed by first looking at E-R modelling. We will then look in considerable detail at normalisation.

E-R diagrams and their use in designing relational databases
An E-R diagram is a diagram that database designers use to show the relationships between groups of data (each group being known as an ‘entity’). It gives the designer a very simple yet effective overview of the entities in a system and how they relate to each other.

    • It is a useful way of summarising what entities and therefore what tables are needed in a relational database.
    • It is a concise way of representing the relationships between records in tables. This can then be used both as a reference for the designer when setting up foreign keys and as a means of identifying ‘many-to-many relationships’, which can then be ‘resolved’. (See later in this section for further details about many-to-many relationships and why you need to resolve them).
    • It can be used as a check to normalisation and a discussion aid. The results of both methods could be used together in design meetings. The design team can then discuss these designs and argue out how to go forward.
    • It should be produced because it is a record of the design of the database and needs to be part of the technical manual. In the future, some maintenance of the database may be necessary. The person doing it (who may not be the original designer) needs to know the overall design and will expect to find the E-R diagram in the technical manual!

We will now look at the building blocks of E-R diagrams.
