

Understanding and using sequence questions and answers

Q1. How many programming constructs are there and what are they?
A1. Three: sequence, selection and iteration.
Q2. What is another word for ‘iteration’?
A2. Repetition.
Q3. How many basic ways are there to construct a selection construct?
A3. Two: If and Case
Q4. How many basic ways are there to construct an iterative construct?
A4. Three: For, While <cond> do, Repeat until <cond>
Q5. What is meant by the programming construct ‘sequence’?
A5. One instruction after another. 
Q6. What is a high level language?
A6. This is a programming language that uses English-like words.
Q7. What do you need to do before you can run a high level language?
A7. Source code programs written by programmers must be translated into object code before they can be run.
Q8. What is a variable in programming?
A8. A variable is an area in memory that has been given a name.
Q9. What is meant by initialisation?
A9. Initialisation is when you give variables in a program starting values.
Q10. Why do you need to initialise variables in programs?

A10. Programmers don't like the unknown. Because you can't really guarantee what values will be in variables when programs start running, programmers like to put in their own, initial values. This means they can be 100% sure what is in them and that no values have been dropped in them that might result in an error.
