The need for translators questions and answers
Q1. What is meant by ‘source code’?
A1. Source code is the code written by a programmer using a High Level Language.
Q2. Why do programs need to be translated?
A2. Processors can’t work with High Level Language words. They need to be translated into the processor’s machine code first.
Q3. What is meant by ‘object code’?
A3. This is the code that has been translated into machine code.
Q4. What other names are there for object code?
A4. E.g. binary code, .exe code, executable code.
Q5. What is a low level language?
A5. A low level language is one that uses instructions that are very cloase to a CPU's machine code instructions.
Q6. What is a high level language?
A6. A high level language is any programming language that uses English-like words.
Q7. Why might it be easier to write programs using a high level language?
A7. High level languages are very easy to 'read' after a bit if practice because they use English words.
Q8. What do you have to do to a low level language program before it can run on a computer?
A8. It must be translated into object code.
Q9. What do you have to do to a high level language before it can run on a computer?
A9. It must be translated into object code.
Q10. Do all CPUs use the same set of machine code instructions?
A10. No. There are different families of processors, each using their own instructions.