
Bluetooth - Answers

Q1. The Bluetooth logo:


Q2 - 5: Practical work.
Q6. The range of Bluetooth communications is about 10m.
Q7. The number of Bluetooth devices that can pair together at the same time a) in theory is 8 and b) in practice is 3 or 4.
Q8. PIN stands for Personal Identification Number.
Q9. You can transfer photos from your camera to a laptop without having to set up messy wired connections. You can connect your phone to a hands-free set in a car so that you can answer and make calls safely (and legally). you can stream music from a phone or MP3 player to a car radio.
One use of Bluetooth not mentioned in the article e.g. connecting a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard to a tablet PC.

Extension work
The name 'Bluetooth' comes from a Danish King called King Harol Blatand, who lived in the 10th century and liked to eat blueberries, which turned his teeth blue, according to legend! His name was chosen because he united Norway and Denmark and made them secure.
